Plan & Prepare
Expected Warning Times from the ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning System for Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest PDF 10.1MB The strategy of the ShakeAlert system for public alerting is to warn people who are located close enough to the fault that the system estimates they will experience at least weak to moderate shaking. |
Earthquake Hazards and Estimated Losses in the County of Hawaii PDF 17MB Information for decision makers to improve local planning, building codes, and the county's ability to respond to a major earthquake |
Earthquake Safety Checklist PDF 234KB Be Red Cross Ready |
Earthquake-specific Implementation Plan PDF 299KB Specific actions to meet the Grand Challenges |
EERI NEHRP Scenario Project What is an earthquake scenario? It is a planning tool that helps us understand earthquakes and plan for the future. |
Grand Challenges for Disaster Reduction PDF 409KB Six Grand Challenges and a ten-year strategy to create a more disaster-resilient Nation |
Impact of New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquakes on the Central USA To date, the most regionally-comprehensive earthquake impact assessment ever completed in the United States. For more information, visit FEMA Project Phase II Report Now Available. |
Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Training Manual This manual summarizes federal requirements and provides resources and tools for plan updates. It also provides guidance for integrating mitigation strategies into existing plans and policies to facilitate implementation. |
National Earthquake Resilience: Research, Implementation, and Outreach PDF 6MB Roadmap for earthquake hazard and risk reduction in the United States |
Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country (USGS GIP 119) Your Handbook for Earthquakes in the Central United States |
SPUR Report: The Resilient City PDF 8MB Defining what San Francisco needs from its seismic mitigation policies |
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