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FEMA Agency Representative

Andrew Herseth
Structural Engineer
Earthquake and Wind Programs Branch
Federal Insurance & Mitigation Administration
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA)
Department of Homeland Security
400 C Street, SW
Washington, DC 20472
(202) 646-3706
Andrew Herseth is a Structural Engineer with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), where he serves as FEMA’s Technical Lead for the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP). In this position he leads FEMA’s efforts to use research results for the preparation, maintenance, and wide dissemination of seismic resistant design and construction guidance. He also leads FEMA’s efforts to support the development of model building codes and standards to promote better practices within the design and construction industry that results in reduced losses from earthquakes.
Previously, Herseth served as FEMA’s Technical Lead for the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP).
His list of projects includes the development of FEMA’s: Earthquake Safety at Home (FEMA P-530, 2020); Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Guidance (FEMA P-2055, 2019); Safer, Stronger, Smarter: A Guide to Improving School Natural Hazard Safety (FEMA P-1000, 2017); Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes: Guidance for Community and Residential Safe Rooms (FEMA P-361, 2015); and Taking Shelter from the Storm: Building a Safe Room for Your Home or Small Business (FEMA P-320, 2014).
Before joining FEMA in 2010, Herseth practiced structural engineering design and forensic structural analysis in the Western United States. He is a registered structural engineer and professional engineer.
B.S. Civil Engineering, Brigham Young University
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