Hazard Vulnerability and Disaster Resiliency
- NIST Special Publication 1224 - Research Needs to Support Immediate Occupancy Building Performance Objective Following Natural Hazard Events PDF 1.6MB
Synopsis:The publication identifies a large portfolio of research and implementation activities that target enhanced performance objectives for residential and commercial buildings. The potential research activities presented in the report to Congress were developed with the assistance of a steering committee of recognized experts and stakeholder input obtained during a national workshop hosted by NIST in January 2018. The workshop participants identified four key areas that they believe must be considered when developing plans to achieve immediate occupancy performance: building design, community needs, economic and social impacts, and fostering acceptance and use of new practices. The report also discusses key challenges facing the effort to make buildings functional in the wake of natural hazards, such as motivating communities to make the investment, managing how costs and benefits are balanced, and garnering public support.
Source/sponsorship: The report, published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, benefitted from a number of individuals and sources.
Resource type: Report, 95 pages
- Developing Guidelines and Standards for Disaster Resilience of the Built Environment: A Research Needs Assessment (NIST Technical Note 1795)
Synopsis: This report addresses resilience issues related to the performance of the built environment during and after hazards and disruptive events. In particular, the technical gaps for achieving resilience in the built environment are identified and research needs are identified. The other aspects of a resilient community—security, protection, emergency response, business continuity, and social issues related to human health, safety, and general welfare—are not addressed. However, these broader issues drive requirements for the performance of the built environment. The objective of this effort is to establish the needs for improving the performance of the built environment.
Source/sponsorship: The report, published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, benefitted from a number of individuals and sources.
Resource type: Report, 153 pages
- Toward a Resiliency and Vulnerability Observatory Network: RAVON PDF 275KB
Synopsis: This report describes the major findings of a June 2008 workshop attended by leading researchers from the natural hazards and disaster research community. Attendees explored the creation of a new National Science Foundation observatory whose mission would be "to provide the research community, policy makers, and society with the knowledge and predictive understanding necessary to reduce the vulnerability associated with natural hazards and enhance the resiliency of individuals and communities." The report describes attendees' working definitions of resiliency and vulnerability, their proposed research agenda for the observatory, and their views on the guiding principles, structure, and governance of the observatory.
Source/sponsorship: The report, published by the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center at Texas A&M University, and the workshop on which it is based were supported by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey.
Resource type: Report, 25 pages
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